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HW: Learn the Preamble


In class: Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship

HW: p. 225, #1-3 (might have been completed in class); learn the Preamble


In class: Start work on Constitution brochure (due Tuesday)


In class: Work on Constitution brochure


In class: Work on Constitution brochure

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Week of 01/29/18

I am not a big believer in the value of homework. I am well aware of its many pitfalls: when teaching to students of diverse needs, when a family schedule does not support individual work, or when students have extracurricular activities that carry more value in their lives and compete with the school’s curriculum.


Yet, I do believe that asking students to work outside the classroom can have value in some cases. Reading to be prepared for class discussion, practicing at home the skills taught during class and conducting individual research may be the best uses.


When I assign homework, it’s usually meaningful yet not directly consequential to a student’s overall grade. I believe that most, if not all, the learning can be accomplished at school and that one’s final grade should be a reflection of mastery, not practice.


I am very open-minded when it comes to homework. Please do not hesitate to contact me whenever you have a concern or question.  

- Ms Emling



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